Sunday, February 28, 2010

Absolutely crushed in the back seat of a Toyota 4 Runner, the 2 hour drive to Oamaru was not very fun. Luckily, the weekend shaped up quite nicely. The beach house was a three minute walk from shore and most of our time was spent laying in the sun. I was absolutely exhausted so I took a nap. The turquoise blue water was slightly too cold for me to get in, but the Kiwis did not hesitate at all. The first night we were with 6 Kiwis and 4 Americans, a nice blend of culture. They are more into taking facebook pictures than we are. I felt like I was a candid model or something.

One of the Kiwi girls was really loud and a little too much for me...she was constantly screaming and made it a point to not let anyone in the house sleep. We went hunting for mussels and Paua shells around just before the sunset and I found some amazing Paua. They are beautiful shells that appear is if they've been dipped in oil or something, giving off a rainbow shine. After hiking the beach and cruising on low tide, our group headed to a place that is famous for penguin colonies. Apparently the night before there had been 150 small blue penguins.

We had a low key movie night with lots of food. I consumed so many chocolate chip cookies dipped in peanut butter. I also got a double-scoop of icecream: boysenberry and caramel. It sounds like a strange combination but it was melt in mouth, both literally and figuratively. After the exhausting weekend and drive home, Paige and I watched a few episodes of entourage and hit the hay.

Today was my first day of class since December. My 400 level history class is taught by a Russian Kiwi. One of the weirdest accents I have ever heard. I am pretty disappointed because all of my basketball games would be on the weekends so I don't think I can play. There is one weekend in which all of the schools meet with all of their clubs and party, bbq and play sports for a get away weekend. I'm hoping to be able to participate in that. Cavs on a 3 game winning streak, keep it rolling!

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