Saturday, February 20, 2010

I said I wouldn't blog until Wednesday, but every day is a new adventure. I love it. I woke up this morning at around 9 after a low key night. I really needed it. Just hung out with a few flatmates and watched an episode of entourage. I walked around campus and found our rec center. It has everything I would ever need, and is about the size of the local YMCA in Eugene. The only difference is all the equipment and courts appear as if they are from the 1950s. Paige and I walked around town and got posters, 18+ cards (basically drinking ID), and lunch. Thai food and Sushi are both HUGE here. The food is phenomenal and it is cheaper to go out to eat than shop at a grocery store. I got a huge Yakisoba teriyaki noodle and 8 sushi for like 12 bucks (8 US dollars). They don't tip here which I find very strange.

Activities just don't stop here. Right after running all these errands my other roommate invited us to go to tunnel beach. It is world famous, just wikipedia it. Absolutely gorgeous - it kind of reminded me of the hobbit trail I go to with my Dad at the Oregon Coast near Florence. After taking the bus back to downtown, I got 8 more sushi and headed home. I was pleased to find one of my Kiwi hosts, Abbey, at home. I had not met her yet and she is very nice and so helpful (a common theme with natives). I really cannot believe how helpful everyone is. Everyone is so logical and reasonable. They never get stressed over anything, ever. It is the most laid back environment I have ever been, parallel to the Oregon Country Fair, but it is a real society. Basically an indescribable vibe. I feel like I am surrounded by Charlie Wilson-Mosess and Kevin Melias. I like those two guys a lot so this is great. I am sure hoping to take this mindset home with me. Police are only helpful, never trying to seek out a ticket to meet a quota. Everyone in the country has health care. Officers do not carry guns, and open container laws do not exist. I am learning more and more by the second.

I found out that I won't have to attend class which is amazing because my roommate Paige and I are planning to go to Melbourne, Australia to visit her twin sister. I think we are also going to go to Bali, Indonesia and Bangkok, Thailand within the next few weeks. Round trip flights are around $250.00. I am joining the Men's Basketball "club." Apparently they travel and play other teams and it is somewhat competitive. My kiwi roommate said I should excel because it is not very popular. Clubs and societies are huge here. I am also joining white water rafting, kayaking, tramping (hiking), and a norml club. The last club is about legalizing marajuana. Every Friday at 4:20 they sit in the Uni lawn and smoke, legally. There is also a day in May called normal J day and everyone goes to the city center (called the octagon) and smokes together: I can't believe it and had no idea everything was so lax here. I should have assumed it though. I am teaching the kiwis beerpong tonight, that should be a blast.

Tomorrow is the beginning of O-week (orientation). Apparently they just go so big from Sunday-Sunday. I think I am going to go camping at the Milford Sounds. This is like a national geographic type beauty place. Check that out on wikipedia as well. I'll let you all know how O-week is going as it progresses.

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