Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I've now attended all my classes and can't wait for the weekend. I wanted to get way ahead in all of my classes so I could chill for a few weeks, so this week I have been a pretty big geek doing a ton of reading. Last night was Katie Garlick's 21st birthday. Her parents were nice enough to let her charge the tab for 12 of us to go out to a high end Indian restaurant. We each ordered a bottle of wine, some Naan, and a meal. I couldn't believe how generous she was. The fact that they don't tip in NZ saved us about 50 bucks. I got a spicy chicken tikka masala and i had to used my napkin as a sweat towel. It was absolutely delicious though as I love food that lights my mouth on fire.

My roommate made KayGee a birthday cake and we had ice cream back at my flat before everyone went to the bars. I didn't feel like going out last night so I stayed home. It is nearly impossible to keep up with the drinking culture here unless you are an alcoholic. I have been reasonable every night I have been here except one. I don't want to wake up in the morning and either regret something or waste a full day because I don't feel good. There is too much to do on a day to day basis to throw one away.

I'm really looking forward to Friday/Saturday because 5 of us are packing into a car and driving to the Penninsula for an evening. It is only an hour away; I am praying the weather is perfect. JJ (John Joseph, not Joachim Jacobs ;)) is making the trip with our group and he is one of my favorite kids in NZ. Real laid back and would fit into any group, extremely versatile.

I got to get to class, but I am learning to drive this afternoon all over again. Steering wheel on the right side, drive on the left side. This could be interesting.

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